Turismen skaper jobbmuligheter i Laos

Innlegg: 1841
Registrert: 20 okt 2017, 21:02
Sted: Norge


Følgende er utdrag fra en artikkel.  Read Full Article
FN sitt organ for reiser og turisme, The United Nations’ World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) sier i siste rapport at turisme har direkte resultert i 114000 jobber i Laos.
Det er forventet at dette skal øke til 121000 innen 2028, noe som vil representere 3 % av total sysselsetting.
I sin helhet har turisme og relaterte tjenester generert over 385000 jobber i landet, noe som hjelper godt på inntekt pr innbygger i det stort sett fattige landet.
Minister for Informasjon, Kultur og Turisme, Mr Ounthuang Khaophanh sa nylig at turisme er en av topp 5 største inntektskilder for Laos og medvirker til øknonomisk ...
Innlegg: 1642
Registrert: 21 okt 2017, 14:05


Hva gjør Laos for turismen?

Jeg håper de ikke kopierer Thailand, siden det ikke gjøres noe som helst for turismen sådan, ei heller for sine innbyggere. Det dreier seg kun om penger allting. Det meste skjer i privat regi.
Arild Holtet
Innlegg: 3520
Registrert: 24 okt 2017, 09:27


Det er jo positivt at landet får flere arbeidsplasser. Tror det er litt andre typer turister enn de som reiser til Thailand. Landene er ganske forskjellige på ganske mange måter.

Innlegg: 4573
Registrert: 21 okt 2017, 00:24
Sted: Milkway


Landet har ifølge wikipedia hatt en kraftig nedgang i turister de siste to årene, og så gjenstår det å se hva 2018 bringer. Vil tro det er mange expats på visarun bla, men naturen med øko turisme er populært i Laos.

Laos var jo en hippie destiansjon og er fortsatt ett populært backpacker mål. Ihvertfall en interessant beskrivelse på mange måter i linken Tourism in Laos

Litt informasjon og statistikk fra wiki


History of Tourism in Laos

Abigail Haworth wrote in The Observer, “Laos was on the hippy trail in the 1960s. The capital, Vientiane, boasted the world's largest legal opium den, attracting overland travellers via Afghanistan and India. That petered out with another foreign invasion, the US carpet-bombing campaign during the Vietnam War that, per capita, made Laos the most bombed country in history.Thanongsi Sorangkoun, a Vang Vieng native in his 60s, says it took a long time to restore the natural environment and rice-producing economy after the war ended. "When I was young there were tigers in the mountains and thousands of bats in the caves. It was a wildlife paradise." Much of that was lost for ever, but Sorangkoun did his bit by starting an organic farm by the Nam Song. [Source: Abigail Haworth, The Observer, April 7, 2012 ||||]

Laos in the 1970s

Reporting from Laos as the Vietnam War was coming to a close and the Pathet Lao had not yet seized power, Paul Theroux wrote in “The Great Railway Bazaar (1975): “Vientiane is exceptional, but inconvenient. The brothels are cleaner than hotels, marijuana is cheaper than a cold glass of beer. Opium is a restful drug, the perfect thing for geriatrics, but the chromatic snooze it induces corrects fatigue; after an evening of it the last thing you want to do is sleep again. When you find beer at midnight and are sitting quietly, wondering what sort of a place this is, the waitress offers to fellate you on the spot, and you still don't know. Your eyes get accustomed to the dark and you see the waitress is naked. Without warning she jumps on the chair, pokes a cigarette into her vagina and lights it, puffing it by contracting her uterine lungs. So many sexual knacks! You could teach these people anything. There are many bars in Vientiane; the decor and the beer are the same in all of them, but the unnatural practices vary. [Extracted from The Great Railway Bazaar (1975) by Paul Theroux /*\]

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